How to Break the Screentime Habit

screentime app

In today’s digital age, we tend to spend more time with screens rather than people. Whether it is work, entertainment or socialising, everything can be done on computers, which makes spending time with others seem more like an extra effort. Although digital devices have made many things in our lives super easy, excessive screen time can have negative consequences on our physical and mental well-being. Breaking the screentime habit is essential for achieving a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Here, we will explore effective strategies to help you reduce your screen time and regain control of your life.

Understand the Impact of Excessive Screen Time

The first step in breaking the screentime habit is to recognise its consequences. Excessive screen time can lead to a range of issues, including eye strain, disrupted sleep patterns, decreased physical activity, and reduced social interactions. It can also make one feel more isolated, anxious, and depressed. By understanding the potential drawbacks of too much screen time, you can be more motivated to make positive changes.

Set Clear Goals and Boundaries

coloured contact lenses

To successfully reduce screen time, it’s crucial to establish clear goals and boundaries. Start by identifying how much time you currently spend on screens each day and then set realistic targets for reducing that time. For example, you might aim to cut your screen time by one hour per day initially and gradually increase that goal over time. Having specific objectives will provide you with a sense of purpose and direction.

Create a Screen-Free Zone

Designating specific areas in your home as screen-free zones can help you break the habit. The bedroom is an excellent space in your room to start with. Remove all screens from your bedroom to improve your sleep quality and create a relaxing environment. Similarly, consider making the dining room a screen-free zone to promote family interactions during meals.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

While technology can contribute to excessive screen time, it can also be a valuable tool in helping you reduce it. The screentime app can be used to monitor and limit the time you spend on digital devices. Family time app is also a great option to limit the hours that all your family members spend on screens. It is something that you can discuss with them so everyone knows and understands why limiting it at an early stage is so important for our mental health and for developing healthy relationships with others.

Prioritise Real-Life Activities

One effective way to reduce screen time is to prioritise real-life activities that bring you joy and fulfilment. Make a list of activities you enjoy, such as reading, hiking, painting, or cooking, and schedule time for them in your daily or weekly routine. If you are someone who would love to spend more time with your friends talking about fashion and beauty, then why not arrange a little beauty contest this holiday season? This will give you all a chance to experiment with different colours, textures, coloured contact lenses and much more to look the best. The more fun activities you can do without screens, the easier it will become for you to not rely on digital devices for entertainment.

Practice Mindfulness and Screen-Free Moments

Mindfulness techniques can help you become more aware of your screentime habits and make conscious choices. Try implementing screen-free moments throughout your day, such as during meals, before bedtime, or when spending time with loved ones. Use these moments to connect with your surroundings, your thoughts, and the people around you.

Find an Accountability Partner

Breaking the screen time habit can be challenging when you try to do it alone. Consider finding an accountability partner, whether it’s a friend or family member, who shares your goal of reducing screen time. You can motivate and support each other in your efforts and even compete in a friendly way to see who can reduce their screen time the most.

Schedule Regular Screen Time Detox

Just as you schedule time for important activities, plan regular screentime detox periods. Designate a specific day or weekend each month as a screen-free period where you disconnect from all digital devices. Use this time to focus on hobbies, outdoor activities, or quality time with friends and family.

Replace Screen Time with Productive Habits

One effective strategy for reducing screen time is to replace it with productive habits. For instance, if you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media in your free time, replace that habit with reading a book, practising a musical instrument, or learning a new skill. Gradually, you’ll shift your focus from screens to activities that enrich your life.

Seek Professional Help if Necessary

For some individuals, breaking the screentime habit may be more challenging due to addiction or underlying mental health issues. If you find it incredibly difficult to reduce screen time on your own, consider seeking professional help, such as therapy or counselling. Professionals can provide personalised strategies and support to address any underlying issues contributing to excessive screen time.

In a nutshell, reducing screen time is a valuable endeavour that can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life. By understanding the impact of excessive screen time, setting clear goals and boundaries, and incorporating the strategies mentioned above, you can successfully break the screen time habit. Remember that it may take time and effort to make lasting changes, but the benefits to your physical and mental well-being are well worth it. Embrace a life that is not solely lived through screens, and you’ll discover a world of opportunities and experiences waiting for you beyond the digital realm.

CFD Trading: A Comprehensive Guide

cfd broker australia

CFD trading is a popular way of trading financial instruments, especially among retail investors. It is a form of derivative trading that allows traders to speculate on the price movements of assets without owning them outright. CFD trading has gained immense popularity in Australia in recent years, with many traders using it to diversify their portfolios and potentially earn profits.

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to CFD trading Australia, including what it is, how it works, and some of the key things to consider before getting started.

What is CFD Trading?

CFD stands for Contracts for Difference, and it is a type of trading that allows traders to speculate on the price movements of various financial instruments such as stocks, indices, commodities, and currencies. CFD trading is essentially a contract between a buyer and a seller to exchange the difference between the opening and closing prices of an underlying asset. CFD trading in Australia is regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), which sets out rules and regulations to protect traders from fraudulent practices.

How Does CFD Trading Work?

cfd trading australia

CFD trading involves opening a position on a financial instrument and closing it later at a different price. The difference between the opening and closing prices is the profit or loss that the trader makes. For example, if a trader opens a long position on a stock at $50 and closes it at $60, they would make a profit of $10 per share. On the other hand, if the stock price drops to $40, the trader would incur a loss of $10 per share.

One of the benefits of CFD trading is that traders can use leverage to amplify their trades. This means that they can open a position with a small initial deposit, known as the margin, and control a larger position. However, it is important to note that leverage can also increase the risk of losses, and traders should carefully consider their risk tolerance before using it.

Another key feature of CFD trading is the ability to go long or short. This means that traders can profit from both rising and falling prices, depending on the direction of their trade. Going long means buying an asset in the hope that its price will rise while going short means selling an asset in the hope that its price will fall.

Things to Consider Before Starting CFD Trading

Before starting CFD trading in Australia, there are several things that traders should consider:

  1. Regulation: It is important to choose a CFD broker Australia that is regulated by ASIC to ensure that the trader is protected from fraudulent practices.
  2. Fees and Commissions: CFD brokers charge fees and commissions for their services, so it is important to understand the costs involved before opening an account.
  3. Risk Management: CFD trading can be risky, so it is important to have a solid risk management strategy in place to minimize losses.
  4. Education: It is important to have a good understanding of the financial instruments being traded and the market conditions that affect their prices. Traders should also have a good understanding of the platform they are using and the features it offers.
  5. Trading Plan: Traders should have a well-defined trading plan that outlines their goals, risk tolerance, and trading strategy.

Choosing a CFD Broker in Australia

Choosing the right CFD broker Australia is crucial to the success of a trader’s CFD trading career. Here are some of the factors to consider when choosing a CFD broker:

  1. Regulation: As mentioned earlier, it is important to choose a broker that is regulated by ASIC to ensure the safety of funds and protection from fraudulent practices.
  2. Fees and Commissions: Traders should compare the fees and commissions charged by different brokers to find one that offers competitive rates and transparent pricing.
  3. Trading Platform: The trading platform is a crucial part of CFD trading, so it is important to choose a broker that offers a user-friendly platform with advanced features and tools.
  4. Customer Support: Good customer support is essential in case of any issues or queries that traders may have. Traders should choose a broker that offers prompt and helpful customer support through various channels.
  5. Educational Resources: A good CFD broker should offer educational resources such as webinars, tutorials, and market analysis to help traders make informed decisions.

In conclusion, CFD trading is a popular way of trading financial instruments in Australia, offering traders the potential to profit from both rising and falling prices. However, it is important for traders to carefully consider the risks involved and to choose a reputable CFD broker Australia that offers competitive rates, a user-friendly trading platform, and helpful customer support. With a solid understanding of the market and a well-defined trading plan, CFD trading can be a rewarding way to diversify a portfolio and potentially earn profits.

How To Secure Your Website

cloud hosting

Using an SSL certificate is the starting point for creating a secure website, you could also get an IT services insurance to better secure your site. To secure your website, you need to install an X.509 digital certificate, commonly referred to as an SSL certificate, on your server. 

Even if you are not selling anything on your website, I strongly recommend that you use the HTTPS protocol and add an SSL certificate for increased security. Bottom line, if you depend on your website to generate leads and sales requests, your site should use HTTPS to prevent users from going crazy and leaving your site due to “insecure” warnings.

By taking extra security measures, search engines may lower your site’s ranking in search results if you don’t have an SSL certificate. If the certificate is valid and signed by a trusted CA, web browsers connecting to the site will tell you that it successfully secured the HTTPS connection.

After installing HTTPS, all traffic and communication between the server and the web browser will be encrypted and secure. After enabling SSL, your website will use HTTPS instead of HTTP, you will also see a lock icon next to your website address in the browser.

HTTPS transfers visitors’ personal information between your site and your database. A visit means that the data you send to or receive from a secure website is encrypted. If your website prompts visitors to sign up, register, or make any transaction, you need to encrypt your connection.

One of the best ways to prevent security issues is to log who did what to your site. If you operate a website, you are not only responsible for the security of your data, but also the data of your visitors, clients and colleagues.

There are a lot of complex things that webmasters have to keep track of, but controlling them will have a major impact on the security of a website.

Even if you have done something, you need to keep your website up to date and keep it safe. Updating your website is the most basic WordPress security practice you can do.

Good website security starts with you—choose a reputable website builder or cloud hosting provider, make smart choices about how you manage your site, and go the extra mile to protect your passwords.

Using strong passwords for the server and admin areas of your website is critical, but it’s equally important to stick to strong passwords for your users to keep their accounts secure. If you don’t use WordPress, check that your site’s content manager offers a good security plugin.

If you built your website with a content management system (CMS), you can enhance your website with security plugins that proactively prevent website hacking.

Give your website a more secure platform with managed WordPress hosting. If you host your website on your server, there are several ways to set up encryption yourself. Many hosts offer server security features that better protect downloaded website data. 

Data Security Basics for Entrepreneurs


It’s not farfetched to assume that the world is more connected today than it has previously been. For private companies, this equates to large openings but also security risks.

Considering this, it’s imperative you’re armed to handle digital security dangers. Which presents itself in various shapes and sizes – from phishing tricks and ransomwares to information breach and scams. In actuality, independent companies are similarly prone to these attacks as huge corporations. Be that as it may, there are approaches to defend yourself from these dangers.

Here are basic digital security steps you can follow to secure your private company.

1. Backup and Restore

As an independent venture, losing your information is possibly chaotic. To spare yourself the time, cash, and your job, you ought to be armed with a backup. How to begin? For the time being, it’s tied in with answering necessary inquiries, for instance:

● What sort of backup do I require? When fiasco happens, you have to find out whether your business needs to restore, recover or keep up services. This will enable you to decide if you have to store your information on location, in the cloud, or a hybrid of the two.

● What requires backup? Your most crucial information and all business data. Contingent upon the time and available storage, there are three primary kinds of backup – full, incremental, and differential.

● What are you shielding against? If it only files you’re concerned about, a full image backup doesn’t bode well. If it’s your entire framework – you have to comprehend greater.

● What’s my Recovery Time Objective (RTO)? That is, in the case of a massive information breach, to what extent would you be able to endure before it affects operations.

Covering inquiries such as these are the initial phase in figuring out which methodology fits appropriately for you. It tends to be a precarious procedure to comprehend, yet fortunately, numerous IT service providers presents you with the direction you require.

2. Control who can access your data

In all actuality, personnel can commit errors. That is the reason why training is imperative. All your staff should be aware of your company’s security software and download customary updates. It’s likewise necessary to emphasise to them the significance of fundamental security measures like utilising passphrases rather than just passwords.

As an entrepreneur, you’re likewise more prone to enable your staff to utilise their gadgets on the job. This can be a wise move. However, it’s imperative to have mobile security arrangements and Network Access Control (NAC) software set up. If you are a cosmetic clinic in Melbourne ensure your sensitive patient data is kept securely and only accessible by the breast surgeon and essential personnel.

3. Think before you post

With regards to social media, the most significant security threat is phishing. Also, no, it is anything but a game, it’s fraud. To simplify, it includes receiving an email that resembles an official business message or from somebody you know. It is usually profoundly customised, directed to you with your position, organisation, work telephone number and other personalised data. These messages will lead you to click on a malicious link or attachment, or request for your bank information and passwords.

So where do these scammers fish for information? Typically from social networking websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. That is the reason you ought to never post delicate personal or business data on social media. To strengthen your protection, ensure you consistently remind your personnel and avail of a quality security programming arrangements that blocks malicious messages.

4. Make a password administration scheme

You may never need to handle digital attacks. Be that as it may, it exists – and private companies are also at risk. What’s more, one of the primary causes of cyber terrorism all boils down to weak passwords.

So how shield yourself against these dangers? Easy, make a secure password administration scheme. Like numerous companies, you most likely have a significant rundown of accounts and services you utilise, which all demands a password. This is why password administration programs are substantial. It does not only save your passwords, but it also generates random, robust passwords for you to utilise in any personal or business accounts.

5. Tandem with two-factor authentication

As an independent venture, you’re probably signed up to cloud hosting. Furthermore, you currently realise that passwords don’t provide total security on their own. That is the reason it merits utilising the strength of two-factor authentication (2FA).

How does 2FA function? Fundamentally, it’s a two-phase confirmation procedure that demands not only a username and a password but also a snippet of data that only the client has access to – for example, a code that is sent to their cell phones. This additional layer of security makes it tougher for hackers to access essential data.

6. Secure your Wi-Fi

This can be a simple task to look over. But if you signed up for a wi-fi service, it really is crucial to ensure that it’s secure, encrypted and inaccessible to potential threats – else you’re providing hackers easy access to your organisation records, online accounts and sensitive data. You don’t want private customer information from your Wineglass Bay resort to be compromised by wi-fi hacking visitors or have your luxury day spa network be breached.

So by what means can you strengthen your Wi-Fi security? Some necessary steps you can fulfil are to change the router’s default admin password, arrange it to utilise WPA2 encryption, regularly update its firmware, utilise a robust passphrase, and physically protect your router.

CRM Software in the Real Estate Industry


Whether residential or commercial, high or low commission real estate agents and their agencies have to be extremely customer-focused simply to survive. From understanding your customer’s fiscal resources to knowing their long-term demands, it is all crucial deal-making info and it’s exactly where client relationship management (CRM) applications can help.

Some CRM bundles are specially designed and committed to the property industry. This will probably meet many property situations. But, committing to a dedicated alternative means accepting the web designer or software manufacturer’s interpretation of how a property business functions. However, the integration and customisation features provided by general-purpose CRM bundles frequently let customers produce business IT solutions more closely coordinated with how their company functions. To put it differently, you do not have to change your business processes to match a software designer’s preconceptions. Rather, personalising a tried-and-true CRM platform, which may provide you with more control.

Something to consider for any property operation is It has to adhere to a lot of regulatory and legal requirements. These are usually local ones, so they are enforced in the national, state, as well as municipal levels. In addition, regulations will also be very different enough that they have a considerable effect on how property companies can function in various locales. The listing of requirements for property operations is lengthy and significantly influences how those entities may perform business. Prerequisites consist of different home legislation, credit and reporting conditions, eviction processes as well as zoning laws. This makes it challenging to construct a committed and all-encompassing property software tool.

Again, rather than using this type of tool, the overall CRM platforms featured at the table above could be extremely successful in a property situation. You simply have to be certain to utilise and their customisation abilities to the fullest. These can often provide you with a better outcome which closely aligns with how your property business operates, and also can more easily adapt if your business’ needs change later on.

What’s Real Estate CRM Software?

Even alongside purpose-built property CRM tools, there is no single feature set which will fulfil every operation. Exactly what the CRM software should achieve depends entirely on the type of property operation you are running. Residential or commercial? Private home sales, rental, condominium, or growth? Low-income or luxury? The way you answer these fundamental questions has a significant effect on the way in which the company will interact with its clients. To drill down to a successful pair of attributes, begin at the start: your earnings process.

Any property or real estate business will probably be included in selling; the only thing that disagrees is the process. Your property CRM should help manage this procedure and that begins with direct management. Regardless of where your business is getting its prospects and generated leads –whether through email advertising, internet advertising, bought social networking platform advertising, telemarketing, as well as straightforward referral, to mention only a couple –the custom content management software has to have the ability to absorb that direct info and then dole it out to revenue staffers mechanically or allow sales supervisors to tweak and disseminate prospects as they see fit. To achieve this, your CRM needs to support several attributes and capabilities, such as:

  • Data gleaned from whichever electronic source is providing lead info, rather on an automatic or scheduled basis
  • Efficient data entry in case your performance inputs direct data manually, which should contain customised application types that data entry employees can fill out, connect with a client, and direct to a proper repository or handle
  • Pipeline management, that should at the minimum let managers monitor which salespeople are operating on the most leads and how many deals are being closed
  • Customisable workflows: Several property and real estate businesses need input from multiple executives at the business, so the platform ought to be able to track and deal with information and alarms automatically.
  • Role-based accessibility and safety to allow supervisors to see leads and potential clients before sales staff do and track them appropriately

Provided that your preferred platform supports those overall capacities and allows your IT services company to personalise them, you are going to have the ability to meld the applications to mirror precisely the very same sales procedures your company already follows. That’ll definitely pay dividends in faster user adoption.

Concentrate on Statistics and Reporting

Another crucial area on which property CRM platforms must focus is reporting and data. Based on the sort of operation you are running, you ought to attach unique sorts of consumer information to a provided CRM entry. Smaller operations may be happy with filling in a collection of fields in an application form that finally comes to be a database entry in the CRM.

However, most operations will have to attach third-party records and files to clients and bargains. Luxurious apartment tenants, for example frequently require tax forms, income verification files, and referral letters from prospective tenants. Home sales operations may run charge or even criminal history checks or need previous mortgage or lease payment documents. Commercial operations may attach copies of articles of incorporation, worker lists and industrial taxation details. Programmers will probably need localised files like inspection documents, zoning forms, and related files. What files will be demanded is subject to what type of operation you are running along with the laws that regulate the area where you are doing business.

To meet this requirement, your property CRM should be able not just to append files to a database document but is also required to:

  • Support multiple kinds of file formats, depending on what sorts of documents you want attached
  • Accept automatic archiving of these documents into the machine
  • Provide the capability to efficiently secure these files, especially if your performance is keeping customers’ private and personal information in the cloud
  • The choice to edit these documents within the CRM, as in the case of rental files which have filled out as a bargain progresses